● 중고 OGP 비접촉 / 접촉식 3차원 측정장비
Used OGP ZIP-300 With Touch probe
● 중고 OGP 비접촉 / 접촉식 3차원 측정장비
측정 범위
300 X 200 X 200
Display resolution : 0.0001mm
E1(x,y) = (2
+ 4L/1000)um - XY축 선형 위치 정밀도
E2(x,y) = (2.5 + 5L/1000)um - XY축 면적 정밀도
E1(Z) =
(2.5 + 5L/1000)um - Z축 선형 위치 정밀도
X = 0.0021mm
Y = 0.0026mm
Z = 0.0035mm
Scale : high resolution glass scale on
XYZ axes.
Actuator :
misalignment self adjusting rod drive
Motor Drives
: High peformance DC servo 4 axis at the center of axis.
Worktable :
hardcoat anodized with fixture holes and stage glass
Support : Granite with rigid steel stand
Power Requirements : 110/220 VAC
± 5%, 50/60 Hz, 1 Φ, 500 W
Rated Environment :18-23 ℃ ± 2 ℃, 30-80%
humidity, vibration<0.0015g below 15 Hz
2. Camera
and Optic System
Camera :
high resolution 1/2" digital color with pixe array of 768 x 494
Processing Type:256 level grayscale processing w/ 10:1 sub-pixel resolution
Processing Speed : < 1 sec / FOV
Resolution : 0.08 ㎛ (high zoom mag only);
0.04 ㎛ (2x lens)
Zoom Lens
* High
quality optic for superior imaging and accurate measurement
* 7:1 zoom
* Motorized
and programmable 25 steps
Magnification : E1x = about 37x
- 300x(on 19" LCD monitor)
Illumination System (3 ea)
Programmable Back Light
Programmable Through-The-Lens, TTL Surface Light
Programmable Oblique Ring Light
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■ 저희는 신품판매를 주로 하고 있으며, 중고품은 업체에 요구나 재고 가 있을
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